Thursday, March 4, 2010

Think we forgot about you? Teressa

Oh don't worry we are still cooking away. I have made a few recipes and I will get them posted but first let me ramble on about nothing.... Okay it will be something. The one topic on my mind lately is how to shop for a cookbook.
I am sure everyone has different things they look for. Mine has totally changed! Use to, I would look at who wrote it and buy it. Trust me, I have a bunch that I have never used. Well after using the Cook This not That cookbook I know now what I want. PICTURES, PICTURES AND MORE PICTURES!!!!! I love looking at the pictures and guessing what ingredients are in the dish. I don't like looking a picture and seeing it one way then reading the recipe and seeing that chicken is listed but not in the picture. Or wheat pasta is used and it is not even close to wheat pasta.
The other thing is simple ingredients that I know what they are, or there is a description of what it is. Like Mole (no not the animal that digs in the ground.) but the Mexican food item that has chocolate and chile's in it. Please authors of cookbooks us "non chefs" don't know what some things are. Give us a clue.... or at least another item we can use instead.

What kinds of things do you look for?

So Erin and I are looking at another cookbook. Although I for one walk around my house constantly caring the Cook This not That book. We will be making other dishes. Don't give up on us.


  1. Pioneer Woman Cooks! She has step by step pictures so you know you are doing it right. I can't stand looking at a final picture and trying to figure out where I went wrong.

  2. Thanks Jaye!!!! I will check that one out.

  3. I look for a soup can or a bean can and not usually a cook book, generally I turn the can over and say "hey that looks good . . . then go shopping" You and your sister's blog has put this cook book in my hands three times and soon I bet I'll be buying it.

